Fridays 6-7:30pm in Mendocino, CA
Starts March 14th 2025
Sacred Dance is a way for us humans to transcend our mortality, and connect with the Divine. It is as old as time itself. Dance has always been the way our Ancestors have connected with the primal energy that stirs deep within us, and the spiralling Geodynamic Torque of the force of creation within the Earth.
You are invited into the temple of Kundalini Dance, as we follow in the footsteps of our ancestors. As they once did, so will we use Ecstatic Dance and Trance as a way of Shamanic Journeying into direct communion with the Divine.
This series is designed to completely wake you up on every level, and have some serious fun at the same time, by dancing your socks off, and connecting your feet with our Sacred Earth!
This series is for those who resonate with the idea of reaching natural states of ecstasy, through dancing without the need for drugs.
The amazing thing about Kundalini Dance, is that you can do it wherever you are on this Earth, and whenever you want, even right now! No matter where you are, anytime that you feel you need to cathartically release tension, or really reconnect with your inner joy, and something greater, then your initiation into Kundalini Dance awaits you.
The roadmap for your dance journey is the Seven Chakra system which you embody, so it is in essence, a Chakra Dance. You will be activating your Kundalini life force energy, which rises up through these seven primary energy centers.
You will learn how to clear through any blocks that you might have, which may be holding you back in your life, whether physical, emotional, mental, pranic or Spiritual.
Learn Kundalini Dance: a form of 'ecstatic dance'
Learn to activate, and align all the chakras through dance
Learn the keys to awaken the kundalini energy in a safe and intuitive way
Learn about what the Kundalini energy is
Learn to trust your emotional guidance system by navigating the emotional body
Learn how to clear trauma from the cellular memory
Learn Pranic sounds and breaths to activate the chakras
Learn how to heal the Mental Body through powerful meditations
Learn how to release stuck energies like inertia, apathy and boredom from the tension in your physical body
Learn how to transform the pain body (the shadow) into a vessel for love and light
Learn how to liberate yourself from past conditioning by moving without fear of judgement
Learn how to Shamanic Journey into your chakras for the clarity of what is no longer serving you, so you can choose a new pathway for yourself
Learn about what the Chakras are, and how they impact your life
Learn how to use free expressive movement to connect to the divine realm
Learn to awaken to higher frequencies, which can open you up to tranmissions and activate your DNA
Learn how to plug into Earth Energy, and its living energy matrix
Learn how to channel source light into the chakras to bring you into divine alignment
Learn how to trust your intuituion
Learn how to find your natural ecstasy