What you have been waiting for
Live Yoga series with Justine in Mendocino, CA
Join justine lemos, PhD for live
(and livestream) yoga in
Mendocino CA
Mondays 9am Fire Yoga, 5:30pm Nectar Yoga
Wednesdays 9am Fire Yoga
Fridays 9am Fire Yoga
Saturdays 9:30am Fire Yoga
Take as many classes as you like from November 18-December 21 = all inclusive $208
Single Class Drop Ins (if space permits): $30 ~ pre-registration required for drop ins.
justine may be absent a few classes due to her out of town teaching schedule… there is no change in cost.
This package is for 6 weeks of yoga- this package is not applicable to any future classes or series… if you come to 1 class that is fine, if you come to every class that is just great… it is all the same price.
Current Online Sangha Students drop in live to any class for a donation.